Blue Ribbon First Place chain mail gold silver bracelet

NM Creative Arts – The Last Entry

This is usually about the time when I write a post about another blue ribbon at the NM State Fair Creative Arts Jewelry Competition. I did get the blue ribbon, but I’m sad to say that this will be the last one. 2023 was my last entry in the competition.

Why I Won’t Enter Again

Blue Ribbon First Place chain mail gold silver bracelet
Really? Couldn’t even show the whole bracelet!

First: I have received 8 blue ribbons in a row, every year since my first entry in 2015. That’s enough. I think I’ve adequately demonstrated that I’m pretty good at making this style of jewelry. I’ve also realized that without more competition, I’ll probably keep getting them, whether by merit (which is cool) or by default (which is not cool).

One of my reasons for entering all these years was to show people unfamiliar with chainmaille jewelry just how beautiful it can be. The number of entries and visitors seems to be going down every year, with this year fewer than half the entries as when I first entered in 2015. I don’t think this reason is valid any longer. It certainly hasn’t turned into any sales or even any additional visits to this site or my Etsy shop.

Second: I don’t think the folks in charge actually respect my entries or the work that goes into them. I definitely put a lot of work into creating the new designs and into making the jewelry entries. This year’s entry, for example, took several days to create, with many hours just figuring out the design details. I was quite proud of how it came out.

Perhaps it’s too much to ask, but I expected that the bracelet would have been displayed more attractively. Instead, the bracelet in the display looked like someone just tossed it indifferently into the case. It was even partially covered up by the label. This isn’t the first time my pieces were shown in this manner, and I was somewhat offended. Continue reading “NM Creative Arts – The Last Entry”

Another Blue Ribbon

Well, I did it again. The judging for the 2018 state fair jewelry competition just finished, and I picked up another blue ribbon. That’s 4 years in a row now. I’ll post a picture of the bracelet with its ribbon once the fair opens and I can take the picture.

The Competition Entry Piece

This year, I entered an original design that combines 2 classic weaves, plus a little bead work. Here’s the piece:

Continue reading “Another Blue Ribbon”

Dragonscale for the 2017 State Jewelry Competition

I have my bracelet ready for the 2017 State jewelry competition, which will be held during the state fair. So far, I’m 2 for 2 with blue ribbons.

This year, I’m submitting a fantastic bracelet featuring the dragonscale/ mermaid weave. This advanced design has larger rings on the outside that face one direction and smaller rings on the INSIDE that face in the opposite direction, creating the appearance of fish (or dragon) scales.

  • For the outside rings, I used sterling silver (18 gauge, 6 mm inner diameter) rings. 
  • For the inside rings, I used 14k gold fill (20 gauge, 4 mm inner diameter) rings.

The final result is absolutely stunning! I’m really pleased with how the gold inside rings complement the brighter silver rings and give the entire piece a deeper, richer appearance.

I will submit the bracelet on August 26th and find out the results a couple of weeks later.

Wish me luck! I feel really good about this bracelet, and it would be nice to pick up another ribbon.

(One thing I want to do before submitting is to get my models back so I can take a few pictures.)

On a side note, I have a little of the gold fill wire left over. I’m thinking about making another lovers’ knots bracelet to use it up. It might make a nice Christmas present for my niece.

2015 NM State Fair Blue Ribbon Bracelet

Entry in the NM State Fair Jewelry / Chain Maille Competition

In 2014, my girlfriend at the time and I visited the Creative Arts pavilion at the NM State Fair and checked out the bead work and jewelry competition. She is an amazing artist with bead weaving, as good as or better than anything we saw at the competition. I encouraged her to enter in the following year (this year, now).

And then I saw the chainmaille competition pieces. The blue ribbon winner was a pretty and sweet bracelet in the helm maille weave. It’s a nice design, but it’s definitely a beginner’s chain maille weave. I thought I would like to enter the competition, too.

Continue reading “2015 NM State Fair Blue Ribbon Bracelet”

First Place 2016 Jewelry Competition

For the second year now, I entered the NM State Fair Jewelry Competition. And for the second year, I received first place.

Last Year’s Competition

Last year, I submitted a sterling silver Viperscale bracelet. It was the first time I had made that design, and the first time I had seen it in Sterling Silver. Quite honestly, I was a little surprised that I won first place, but I was very pleased, too! It’s a beautiful design.

Continue reading “First Place 2016 Jewelry Competition”